
Day 7 – Battambang – Siem Reap and Ankor Wat


I’d placed the alarm on the other side of the room knowing that was the only way I’d force myself of bed as it was set for 4am. Rather than waking straight away, the alarm for a short time slipped in to my unconscious mind and was ignored as something happening in the background of the surreal world of my dreams. Eventually though it nagged its way through my conscience and I admitted defeat and let go of the dream. Stumbling across the room I stubbed my toe then bent a finger back making a grab for the alarm. My colleagues (and my children) have occasionally commented on a passing...

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Day 6 – Moung Ressy – Battambang


The first half of today really shouldn’t be written about. We left town on the support bus as the roads were apparently too dangerous to cycle on. Don’t know what they meant. On the 15 minute journey to the start point we only saw two accidents. The first a lorry on its side, windscreen smashed and its cargo divided between the roadside and the field its rear end had come to rest in. Half a kilometer further on a relatively new car on the other side of the road had carved a path through some bushes and was curled sickeningly around a tree. The dirt road we were on was covered in small but...

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Day 5 – Pursat – Moung Ruessey


I’d managed to get very little sleep even though exhausted. The surrounding area was very noisy, the room hot and sticky and even when I did manage to drop off, vivid dreams repeatedly found me sitting suddenly up in bed confused as to where I was. Another early start and I was still only half awake by the time we set off. However today was to turn out to be my favourite so far. The plan was to follow a canal in Kandieng District, built in 1976 during Pol Pot’s rule, it cuts a straight and unswerving line for 50km. We joined it 5km along and hit the obligatory dirt track as a gorgeous...

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Day 4 – Kampong Chhnang – Pursat


Slightly later start today, 5.45am meet for breakfast and actually sitting down at a table. Guess what? Today did bring tea. Had to supply the tea bag, sugar and milk but they had hot water. Result! Today we should be on our shortest day, around 45km, then a section where we load the bikes on to the bamboo train and travel 30km before getting back on the bikes for a 15km finish. We started off and navigated our way through what was basically a roundabout with a park in the centre that had traffic circulating in both directions at once. Interesting start to the days ride involving the aim,...

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John sums up day 2

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Day 3 Kampong Speu – Kampong Chhnang


(No I’m not making these names up) Darkness. Again. . Out guest house was on one of the main highways through the area and heavy traffic thundered by as we gather outside. We cycled in pitch black about 500 yards along the roadside to meet Ola and Ange who had left earlier to arrange breakfast which we once again ate at the road side. Picture standing on the side of the Hammersmith flyover having a picnic but with more dust. It didn’t take us long to get out of town and on to another dirt road taking us back across country. Much of today proved similar to yesterday so I will save you the...

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