
Day 7 Battambang to Angkor Wat


Last day of the Bike ride kicks off at 4am, we are heading for the boat that will take us on a 7 hour journey through floating villages on a long long river. The morning was very cold and most of us were freezing for a few hours. But it was a beautiful morning. I loved it a lot, the sun rise looked amazing and it was great to see all these small canoes out and about in the early hours trying to catch some fish for the day. The floating villages we passed were sometimes massive but very small. Life on the floating villages must be relaxing but a bit odd. I think it would be interesting to stay...

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Blog Day 6 Moung Russey – Battambang


Moung Russey is a tiny Cambodian town positioned on the highway number 5 only 50km south of the bigger Battambang. In this town there are no breakfast places open at 6 in the morning so we decided to buy breakfast in the market and eat in our guest house. Bananas, a few different type of bread, deep fried, baguettes and so on plus green oranges and bananas.  We had breakfast fast and then we jumped in Mr Dees van for a quick transport to Kampong Pling where we started the bike ride for the day. The first 15km was on the bumpiest road so far, smaller stones stuck in the road made it almost...

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Blog Day 5


Day 5 of our Cambodian biking trip started at 5 am, up early, dress in lycra, omelette for breakfast, stretching in the car park and then off on a 16km ride through a surprisingly cold Cambodia accompanied by a very deep orange sun popping up over the tree line. It was a great morning for biking and the first stretch of roads along the river in Pursat was beautiful and well worth the early wake up call. The challenge for the day started after these first 15 km. It was a 45 km long straight canal with a small road going along each side, the ground was sometimes very soft sand, sometimes great...

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Blog day 4 – Kampong Chnang – ….Pursat


Today we had an exciting day laid out ahead of us, we had some biking, some bamboo train riding and some more biking. Today’s biking started on a short stretch on the main road but we came onto the gravel road fairly soon.  It is always so good to hit the gravel roads as they are less busy, more scenic and much safer. The bamboo train runs from a small place Called Phom Ta som and when Fredrik ordered the train thjey said it would come for 11, then they said two small bamboo trains would arrive at 10, then they said there was two other trains coming before the bamboo train so we had to...

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Blog Day 3 – Kampong Spue – Kampong Chnang


Up at 5, off to the market to buy bananas, baguettes and water, breakfast beside the road and then off on today’s ride. Today we had lovely country roads during the whole day. The first break was by a big lake with loads of lily pads. To stand there in the morning sun watching some of the fishermen in their small canoes fishing was a perfect start of the day. The rst of the day we spent on roads that aren’t visible on most maps, it is easy to get lost here and if you ask the locals they usually don’t know how to get to places further away than a few kilometres. We found the way and...

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Blog Day 2 Takeo – Kampong Speu


Second day of the bike trip in Cambodia, another early start, up just before 5, breakfast and then off on our journey for the day. Today was Monday so during our early hours we met hundreds of school kids heading to school.  Most of them look very amused to the sight of 8 pale people in lycra, helmets and sunglasses, three things not very common in Cambodia. The first stretch of the day was along a long paved road, we passed a few villages, a few temples and numerous small shops and mini petrol station, after a short stop at the market in Ou Saray we headed out on a wide gravel road....

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