


This Year Bike 4 Cambodias Annual meeting is on May 6th.

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Day 5 – Pursat – Moung Ressey


I’d managed to get very little sleep even though exhausted. The surrounding area was very noisy, the room hot and sticky and even when I did manage to drop off, vivid dreams repeatedly found me sitting suddenly up in bed confused as to where I was. Another early start and I was still only half awake by the time we set off. However today was to turn out to be my favourite so far. The plan was to follow a canal in Kandieng District, built in 1976 during Pol Pot’s rule, which cuts a straight and unswerving line for 50km. We joined it 5km along and hit the obligatory dirt track as a gorgeous...

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Day 1 – From Kep to Takeo


We had a very early start today & set off as soon as it was bright. After our group photo & some stretches a lovely stray dog joined us for the first part of the trip along by the sea. As I had never been on a mountain bike & hadn’t cycled at all for over 20 years I was slightly concerned but within a few minutes I realised I needn’t have been & remembered just how much I actually enjoy cycling. It was amazing going through the villages & seeing so many locals out waving & shouting to us. We saw some of the sweetest little children all with big smiles on their...

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