Blogger 2 – Ange Goliger

This is blogger 2.

Day 6 Moung Russey to Battambang

Posted by on Jan 20, 2013 in Blogger2 | 2 comments

Day 6: This morning myself Ola and Mattias met at 6pm to go in search of breakfast for the team. Our hotel over looked the market so we didn’t have far to walk! We managed to find some bananas and baguettes which seems to have become the norm.  Once we had eaten breakfast, we were ready to start our journey from Moung Russey to Battambang. The journey today was again very rural, and much to every ones anguish the roads were once again extremely bumpy, so much so the support vehicle and trailer had to take a few detours. We cycled through...

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Posted by on Jan 18, 2013 in Blogger2 | 0 comments

Ange sums up bike day 5

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Day 5 – Pursat – Moung Russey

Posted by on Jan 18, 2013 in Blogger2 | 0 comments

Day 5: This morning we managed to get an early start and set off on our journey from Pursat to Moung Russey at 6.30am. After a few kilometres of cycling down a fairly busy tarmac road we veered off onto a dirt track. Soon after we realised that we had lost our support vehicle, so stopped to call Dee the driver and try to locate them. Bizarrely the house we stopped outside had ’gang nam style’ blaring out, something I am not sure you would get away with in the UK at any time let alone 7am in the morning!! Shortly after we were reunited with...

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Day 4 Kampong Chhnang – Pursat

Posted by on Jan 18, 2013 in Blogger2 | 0 comments

Day 4 in the jungle! This morning we met in the hotel restaurant for breakfast at 6.00am, and shortly after we set off on our journey to Pursat. The first part of the route was along a road busy with local children biking to school and people going about their daily business. Before long we turned off this road to once again head into the Cambodian countryside using a small dirt track. We had decided to take a bamboo train for some of today’s journey, as some of the roads along today’s route were impassable on a bike as they were just soft...

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Blog Day 3 – Kampong Speu – Kampong Speu

Posted by on Jan 15, 2013 in Blogger2 | 1 comment

It was still dark at 5.40am this morning when Ola and I left the hotel in Kampong Speu, in search of breakfast for the team. We finally managed to find a market selling something other than fish and picked up some bread and bananas. The rest of the team met us at the market and we set off on our journey to Kampong Chhnang. As we passed through the Cambodian countryside the sun was coming up over the paddy fields, and   the start to the day felt very serene. This was an ideal opportunity to reflect on our journey so far, debating the...

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Blog Day 2 – Takeo – Kampong Speu

Posted by on Jan 14, 2013 in Blogger2 | 1 comment

Today we set off at a slightly later time of 6.00am. The first stretch of our journey started on a tarmac road which we were all fairly relieved about as there were a few aching muscles amongst the group. After 21km we stopped at a small village to get some supplies, it was at this point I realised we were getting deeper into the Cambodian countryside. The locals gathered round to welcome our group and seemed fascinated by us. The next part of our journey led us down a gravel track, which looked like it had been prepped ready to one day lay...

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Blog Day 1 – Kep to Takeo

Posted by on Jan 13, 2013 in Blogger2 | 2 comments

Day 1 of our journey from KEP to Anchor Wat started early this morning!! The alarm went off at 4.45 as we had decided to get an early start to benefit from the cooler morning temperatures. Adam was the first to fall off the bike and in fact managed to do so before the journey had even started!! The start to the day was particularly special as the sun was rising over the horizon as we cycled along the coast. A small dog decided to join the adventure and followed us for about the first 5km. He proved to be a useful addition to the group, and...

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