Day 7 Tired and emotional – we made it!

Posted by on Jan 21, 2013 in Blogger3 | 1 comment


We were up at 4am to get on with our 7 hour boat ride along the Ton Le Sap river and lake.   It was nitheringly chilly and pitch dark at the outset, but we saw the sunrise and an array of floating villages before we docked and found conditions to be searingly hot on arrival.


We had a relatively soft finish, with good roads and a short ride by our now hardy standards, clocking in just north of 50k.


After touring the complex, we arrived at the Angkor Wat itself, to find ourselves treated to a welcome party of school children!  We had made it!  It has to be said, that finishing the ride at one of the eight wonders of the ancient world is quite cool.


Apparently another temple within the complex featured in the Tomb Raider movie and game.  Having never seen or played either, pleasingly this didn’t colour my experience at all.  Up yours popular culture.


So, basically, WE DID IT!  So, I guess that a bloody great “hurrah, with highly polished brass knobs on!”


I am predictably, tired, bruised, grazed, punctured, aching and sore.  I’m looking forward to returning to a life outside of lycra.  But despite all of that, I’m glad to have done it.


To all who sponsored me, thank you.  To those who haven’t but still will, thank you in advance!


To those who supported me through training and messages this week, thank you, I couldn’t have done it without you.


To my fellow bikers, thank you for your tolerance.


To the doubters and haters – where the hell were you?  What am I supposed to rage against if you’re all so bloody supportive?!


Now to Kampong Cham for two weeks of teaching at the English Language Bootcamp.



Blood spill: ZERO

Fall count: ZERO (you can see how I improved over the week!)

Hello, hello’s:  Increased to excitable cheers, balloons and gifts of children’s drawings on arrival!

One Comment

  1. thanks a lot for taking time to discuss this subject with us. lista de email lista de email lista de email lista de email lista de email

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