Day 7 – From Battambang to Siem Reap

Posted by on Jan 20, 2013 in Blogger7 | 0 comments

I was so tired when the alarm went off at 4am but had to get up as the boat was due to leave at 5am. We loaded up the van for the short drive. It was pitch dark as we were getting onto the boat. Stupidly I didn’t think of bringing my hoodie & it was bloody freezing. It was a long narrow riverboat so with only 8 of us we all had enough space to lie down which was good. I didn’t sleep but it was nice to be able to rest a while longer. We saw the sunrise which was lovely. Once it warmed up it was great. There was some lovely scenery & we saw plenty of floating villages. Ola & Ange had bought lots of food so we had breakfast & lunch on the boat too. The journey was around 7.5hrs.

We got to Siem Reap around 12.30 & started our final bike ride to Angkor Wat. We did around 35km that ended at the entrance to the temple. We were welcomed by lots of children from the school that Ola’s friends  Mattias & Jenny help. We were given a tour around the temple & a glass of champagne & then were driven back to our hotel.

We went out for dinner in the Piano Bar on the corner of Pub St & had a delicious meal.

I can’t believe how quickly the week has gone. It’s been an amazing experience & I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about doing the bike ride next year.



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