Day 2 From Takeo to Kampong Speu

Posted by on Jan 15, 2013 in Blogger7 | 0 comments

Today was another early start at 5am. I thought I might be in pain but wasn’t bad at all as I’d smothered myself in Aloe Heat Lotion which seemed to have done the trick. The ride today was good fun, again a lot of it was on a dirt road which went through lots of villages where we were greeted by many people. It rained a little which was quite nice as it kept us cool. It stayed overcast all day which was probably a good thing as most of the roads weren’t in any shade.

I almost had a couple of collisions will fellow riders but luckily managed not to hit the ground.

After we completed over 70km we went to visit an orphanage which was run by a couple from Texas. They had over 200 children who are all HIV positive. They had 20 acres of land with many buildings for various activities for the children who all seemed really happy. We were given a tour around some of the buildings & saw some really lovely children.

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