Blog Day 3 – Kampong Speu – Kampong Speu

Posted by on Jan 15, 2013 in Blogger2 | 1 comment

It was still dark at 5.40am this morning when Ola and I left the hotel in Kampong Speu, in search of breakfast for the team. We finally managed to find a market selling something other than fish and picked up some bread and bananas.

The rest of the team met us at the market and we set off on our journey to Kampong Chhnang. As we passed through the Cambodian countryside the sun was coming up over the paddy fields, and   the start to the day felt very serene. This was an ideal opportunity to reflect on our journey so far, debating the lifestyle of the Western world v’s the simplicity of life in Cambodia; and how we gauge happiness.

As the day progressed we cycled along dirt tracks heading further into the countryside and further away from Cambodian civilisation!! Either side of the track was surrounded by paddy fields, and farm land. During this part of our journey we had quite a few near misses with the village livestock as cows and pigs roamed around in the road. In one section we had to weave in and out of a herd of cows which made interesting photography!!

There was little shade during the latter part of today’s cycling and the 30 degree temperatures meant water stops were more frequent than they had been during the earlier part of the day. On our final stop we took shade under the canopy of a small village shop. The Cambodian villagers showed us the fruit where cashew nuts come from and I soon realised why they are so expensive.

We all enjoyed the days biking, but aching muscles and the heat meant there was an air of relief amongst the group as we reach todays finishing point.

One Comment

  1. Hi Ange, just read the accounts of the last 3 days. Fantastic story so far. Keep the updates coming!

    Take Care,
    Simon x

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