Blog Day 1 – Kep to Takeo

Posted by on Jan 13, 2013 in Blogger2 | 2 comments

Day 1 of our journey from KEP to Anchor Wat started early this morning!! The alarm went off at 4.45
as we had decided to get an early start to benefit from the cooler morning temperatures. Adam was
the first to fall off the bike and in fact managed to do so before the journey had even started!!

The start to the day was particularly special as the sun was rising over the horizon as we cycled along
the coast. A small dog decided to join the adventure and followed us for about the first 5km. He
proved to be a useful addition to the group, and managed to chase away the monkeys who looked
like they were preparing to steal our days snacks.

The tarmac coastal road soon turned into a dirt track which led us into the jungle. The red dirt track
was dusty and we soon looked like we had either had a bad spray tan or been working on a building
site for the day!!

The surroundings were so tranquil and the only noises that could be heard were the screams
of ‘hello’ from the local villagers cheering us on. The scenery was idyllic and like nothing I had seen
before, with the dirt track taking us through rice fields, mango groves, and pepper farms. 91km later
we reached the days finishing point just outside the small town of Takeo.

Today was a great start to the journey and I am excited to see what tomorrow brings!!


  1. Well done everyone,so proud ogf you all.

  2. Hi Ange. Always good to get the first day over and done with. Will be following your journey on google. Any photos along the way? You will aready be well into day 2 so look forward to you blog tomorrow. God Bless Steve

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