Posts by admin

Day 3 Kampong Speu – Kampong Chhnang


(No I’m not making these names up) Darkness. Again. . Out guest house was on one of the main highways through the area and heavy traffic thundered by as we gather outside. We cycled in pitch black about 500 yards along the roadside to meet Ola and Ange who had left earlier to arrange breakfast which we once again ate at the road side. Picture standing on the side of the Hammersmith flyover having a picnic but with more dust. It didn’t take us long to get out of town and on to another dirt road taking us back across country. Much of today proved similar to yesterday so I will save you the...

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Day Two – Takeo to Kampong Speu


This morning began with the alarm going off and having left it on the other side of the room, me doing my best to kill it with the power of thought. Didn’t work. My feelings last night of looking forward to today were replaced by ‘In the name of Jesus, Mary and the wee donkey why the hell did I sign up for this.’ Shortly after, the group were massed outside the guest house and loading the support bus to take us to the start point for the day where we bought a selection of baguettes, cheese, yoghurts and cereals and had breakfast by the roadside before setting off to cover todays planned...

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Blog 1


Video blog 1

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Blog Day 3 – Kampong Speu – Kampong Speu


It was still dark at 5.40am this morning when Ola and I left the hotel in Kampong Speu, in search of breakfast for the team. We finally managed to find a market selling something other than fish and picked up some bread and bananas. The rest of the team met us at the market and we set off on our journey to Kampong Chhnang. As we passed through the Cambodian countryside the sun was coming up over the paddy fields, and   the start to the day felt very serene. This was an ideal opportunity to reflect on our journey so far, debating the lifestyle of the Western world v’s the simplicity of...

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Day 2


Ola giveth and Ola taketh away Another early start (they’re all early starts) saw us on the street eating a luxury breakfast of fresh baguette (dry) and musli by 6am.  The baguette is a rather wonderful hangover from Cambodia’s period as a French Protectorate and as such is pretty damned good fresh from the market at that time of the morning.  The musli is a result of having Ola as our leader.  The musli was however lacking its addition of fresh banana, as perplexingly, despite having checked the entire market, there were none to be had anywhere – “oh yes sir, we have no...

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