Posts by admin

Day 5 – Pursat – Moung Russey


Day 5: This morning we managed to get an early start and set off on our journey from Pursat to Moung Russey at 6.30am. After a few kilometres of cycling down a fairly busy tarmac road we veered off onto a dirt track. Soon after we realised that we had lost our support vehicle, so stopped to call Dee the driver and try to locate them. Bizarrely the house we stopped outside had ’gang nam style’ blaring out, something I am not sure you would get away with in the UK at any time let alone 7am in the morning!! Shortly after we were reunited with the support vehicle we stopped at a small village...

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Day 4 Kampong Chhnang – Pursat


Day 4 in the jungle! This morning we met in the hotel restaurant for breakfast at 6.00am, and shortly after we set off on our journey to Pursat. The first part of the route was along a road busy with local children biking to school and people going about their daily business. Before long we turned off this road to once again head into the Cambodian countryside using a small dirt track. We had decided to take a bamboo train for some of today’s journey, as some of the roads along today’s route were impassable on a bike as they were just soft sand tracks. The bamboo train is what it says on...

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Mattias Blog Day 4


Video blog Day 4

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John sums up day 2

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Ella sums up day 4

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