Posts by admin

Day 6 – From Moung Russei to Battambang


We had a lie in today till 5.30am which was nice, met for breakfast at 6.30am & were then transferred by van to our starting point. The start of the ride was difficult as it was on another very bumpy dirt road so my wrists were really painful but thanks to Dr Mills for putting some bandages on at our first water stop they weren’t so bad after that although we were still on a gravel road for quite some time. The weather was fabulous & there was a little breeze so it wasn’t too hot. We stopped at a little village to eat & then continued on to the river. We got out onto a smooth...

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Blog – Day 4 – Kampong Chnang to Pursat


I really enjoyed today, we set off slightly later than previous days although we still had an early start for breakfast at the hotel. I had a lovely omelette & pineapple juice. We set off along a main road to begin with which was quite scary as there was a fair bit of traffic. We then went onto a dirt road which was great & not too bumpy. The weather was fabulous, warm & sunny with a little breeze so good for cycling. The plan was to cycle to the point where we’d take a bamboo train but when we got there we were told that it could be a long wait due to the fact that 2 trains...

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Day 5 – Pursat – Moung Ressey


I’d managed to get very little sleep even though exhausted. The surrounding area was very noisy, the room hot and sticky and even when I did manage to drop off, vivid dreams repeatedly found me sitting suddenly up in bed confused as to where I was. Another early start and I was still only half awake by the time we set off. However today was to turn out to be my favourite so far. The plan was to follow a canal in Kandieng District, built in 1976 during Pol Pot’s rule, which cuts a straight and unswerving line for 50km. We joined it 5km along and hit the obligatory dirt track as a gorgeous...

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Day 4 – Kampong Chhnang – Pursat


Slightly later start today, 5.45am meet for breakfast and actually sitting down at a table. Guess what? Today did bring tea. Had to supply the tea bag, sugar and milk but they had hot water. Result! Today we should be on our shortest day, around 45km, then a section where we load the bikes on to the bamboo train and travel 30km before getting back on the bikes for a 15km finish. We started off and navigated our way through what was basically a roundabout with a park in the centre that had traffic circulating in both directions at once. Interesting start to the days ride involving the aim,...

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Day 3 Kampong Speu – Kampong Chhnang


So it’s day three…and I’m tired. Not just tired from all this physical exertion from the past two days, but it seems my lack of sleep and jet lag has finally caught up with me. My head and body are tired, my whole being is just exhausted and I’m yawning as I get on my bike – not a good start to the morning! This morning we were doing our usual greetings to all the locals as we passed them and were getting lots of excited kids waving wildly back at us and their parents greeting us too and laughing. This greeting between us and the locals has found its commonplace in the trip and...

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