Posts by admin

Cycling: Day 1


Today will start with a shout out to Mr Owen Kent. Owen you are a gentleman, the generous loaner of bike shoes and clips, and in no small part have contributed to today’s finest moments of pace setting, as well as todays lowest moments (both figuratively and literally) – my two comically slow motion collisions with the ground.  The first of these occurred before we’d even set off!  I’m pleased to say that these experiences appear to have been part of a learning process and I am now quite understanding of the importance of unclipping my shoes from the pedals before...

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Day 1 Kep – Takeo


The only street lighting in Kep – a small cove like resort town which is our starting point for the 500km bike ride – is along the main strip which gives host to a fish market, some very small fishing boats and around twenty identical restaurants lining the beachfront. A lack of street lighting is common in Cambodia but the speed at which day turns to night and plunges the surroundings in to darkness never fails to surprise. It’s as though someone has suddenly dropped a heavy drape across the sun to put it to bed as day time’s old partner in crime takes its place. Unfortunately for us...

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Blog Day 1 – Kep to Takeo


Day 1 of our journey from KEP to Anchor Wat started early this morning!! The alarm went off at 4.45 as we had decided to get an early start to benefit from the cooler morning temperatures. Adam was the first to fall off the bike and in fact managed to do so before the journey had even started!! The start to the day was particularly special as the sun was rising over the horizon as we cycled along the coast. A small dog decided to join the adventure and followed us for about the first 5km. He proved to be a useful addition to the group, and managed to chase away the monkeys who looked like...

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Blog day 1 – January 13th – Kep – Takeo.


We are  now finally in Cambodia ready to do a 7 day bike ride. The ride will take us from the coast to Siam Reap and the Angkor wat. We had the great pleasure in waking up at 4.45 on the Sunday morning, at this time of the day it is pitch black here in Cambodia, the trick and the idea is to start the riding in the Sunrise when the temperature is lower and the sunlight looks at its best. After a quick joint warm up a nice dog showed up, he joined us for the photo session before take off and then he ran beside us for 8 km protecting us from other dogs, a large groups of monkeys.  Very nice!...

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