Posts by admin

Blog Day 3 – Kampong Spue – Kampong Chnang


Up at 5, off to the market to buy bananas, baguettes and water, breakfast beside the road and then off on today’s ride. Today we had lovely country roads during the whole day. The first break was by a big lake with loads of lily pads. To stand there in the morning sun watching some of the fishermen in their small canoes fishing was a perfect start of the day. The rst of the day we spent on roads that aren’t visible on most maps, it is easy to get lost here and if you ask the locals they usually don’t know how to get to places further away than a few kilometres. We found the way and...

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Blog Day 2 Takeo – Kampong Speu


Second day of the bike trip in Cambodia, another early start, up just before 5, breakfast and then off on our journey for the day. Today was Monday so during our early hours we met hundreds of school kids heading to school.  Most of them look very amused to the sight of 8 pale people in lycra, helmets and sunglasses, three things not very common in Cambodia. The first stretch of the day was along a long paved road, we passed a few villages, a few temples and numerous small shops and mini petrol station, after a short stop at the market in Ou Saray we headed out on a wide gravel road....

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Blog Day 2 – Takeo – Kampong Speu


Today we set off at a slightly later time of 6.00am. The first stretch of our journey started on a tarmac road which we were all fairly relieved about as there were a few aching muscles amongst the group. After 21km we stopped at a small village to get some supplies, it was at this point I realised we were getting deeper into the Cambodian countryside. The locals gathered round to welcome our group and seemed fascinated by us. The next part of our journey led us down a gravel track, which looked like it had been prepped ready to one day lay tarmac. As we started to cycle down the road it...

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Blog Day 2, Takeo – Kampong Speu


On the beginning of day two, there was a general feeling of exhaustion and aching muscles throughout the team, but the cycle must continue! We began our first 20km of the cycle travelling down one road, passing all the local children cycling on their way to school. Continuing down this road, we were then cycling with rice fields for miles either side of us and the mountains in the horizon. A truly spectacular site, distracting me from my aching limbs. We also were fortunate in today’s cycle as we experienced some light rain, cooling us down on a particularly hard road. Although I began...

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Blog Day 1 Kep – Takeo


Today was the first day of the cycle, which went surprisingly well until I finally got off my bike, when my body felt the distance of 91 km we’d cycled. We left from the seaside town of Kep at 6.30am and cycled along the seafront as the sun rose. As we made our first stop in a local village it became apparent that we were a rare sight for the locals – tourists in tight fitting lycra. The majority of the day was spent cycling on a dirt track which went through small villages, in which we were met by the villagers waving and greeting us. During moments of fatigue this spurred me on as the...

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