Blog day 4 – Kampong Chnang – ….Pursat
Today we had an exciting day laid out ahead of us, we had some biking, some bamboo train riding and some more biking. Today’s biking started on a short stretch on the main road but we came onto the gravel road fairly soon. It is always so good to hit the gravel roads as they are less busy, more scenic and much safer. The bamboo train runs from a small place Called Phom Ta som and when Fredrik ordered the train thjey said it would come for 11, then they said two small bamboo trains would arrive at 10, then they said there was two other trains coming before the bamboo train so we had to...
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Blood, sweat and… well, two out of three ain’t bad. Today stared well as we had some bananas to go with breakfast. That may well have been the high point, as today was the day that my left knee woke up and realised what I’ve been up to for the last couple of days. In response it embarked upon a steady protest of declining function to the low point at which I could start indulging dramatic fantasies of never walking without a stick again (there’s quite a lot of time for your mind to wander when on a bike). I’d like to attribute this to an old recurrent injury from my rugby...
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