Posts made in January, 2013

English Bootcamp Blog Day 2


Day 2 The second day of boot camp began with a pineapple shake whilst watching the sun come up over the Mekong River.  Afterwards we hop on our bikes and head off along the waterfront to the library for our first lesson.  There are definitely worse ways to start the day! Despite Chloe taking us on a bit of a detour, we eventually arrive to find masses of mopeds and bicycles already parked outside the library and the teachers raring to go. I am working with John, Ella and Chloe running the teaching strategies classes.  The idea is that we introduce the teachers to new activities and...

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English Bootcamp Day 1


Day One Blog A lovely bright sunrise for our 6am wake up call for the first morning of the boot camp. We all met at the local restaurant ‘Mekong Crossing’ for a group breakfast a nice selection of food including lots of fresh fruit shakes all bought out one at a time (Cambodia time…as they call it haha)! We hired bikes from our hotel and started our journey down to the library where we will spend the next 2 weeks. There is a real mix of us who did the boot camp in 2012 and the newbies so lots of different emotions going around. It was a relatively slow start to the morning with all the...

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Day 7 Battambang to Angkor Wat


Last day of the Bike ride kicks off at 4am, we are heading for the boat that will take us on a 7 hour journey through floating villages on a long long river. The morning was very cold and most of us were freezing for a few hours. But it was a beautiful morning. I loved it a lot, the sun rise looked amazing and it was great to see all these small canoes out and about in the early hours trying to catch some fish for the day. The floating villages we passed were sometimes massive but very small. Life on the floating villages must be relaxing but a bit odd. I think it would be interesting to stay...

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Blog Day 6 Moung Russey – Battambang


Moung Russey is a tiny Cambodian town positioned on the highway number 5 only 50km south of the bigger Battambang. In this town there are no breakfast places open at 6 in the morning so we decided to buy breakfast in the market and eat in our guest house. Bananas, a few different type of bread, deep fried, baguettes and so on plus green oranges and bananas.  We had breakfast fast and then we jumped in Mr Dees van for a quick transport to Kampong Pling where we started the bike ride for the day. The first 15km was on the bumpiest road so far, smaller stones stuck in the road made it almost...

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Day 7 Tired and emotional – we made it!


INTRODUCTION CENSORED We were up at 4am to get on with our 7 hour boat ride along the Ton Le Sap river and lake.   It was nitheringly chilly and pitch dark at the outset, but we saw the sunrise and an array of floating villages before we docked and found conditions to be searingly hot on arrival.   We had a relatively soft finish, with good roads and a short ride by our now hardy standards, clocking in just north of 50k.   After touring the complex, we arrived at the Angkor Wat itself, to find ourselves treated to a welcome party of school children!  We had made it!  It has to...

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